The Owl pub in Kingsfold has been around for more than 115 years. In its early days, the pub was known as The Wheatsheaf, as old photos of the village show. As for Kingsfold itself, brass memorials at Rusper Church near Horsham dated 1380, refer to ‘John and Agnes of Kingsfold’, which means that there’s been a settlement here since the 14th century.

Come all ye Worthy Christian Men

And over the years our pub has seen its fair share of history. It was here in 1904 that the famous English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, who was also a collector of folk music, took down a melody to the broadside murder ballard ‘Maria Martin’, performed by Mr Booker. A hymn to this tune, ‘Come all ye Worthy Christian Men’ (there are several different titles), became known as ‘The Kingsfold Hymn’.

Home to finest lyrical poets

Admiral Sir James Hawkins Whitshed (1762-1849) was born nearby at Holbrook Park. He served under Admiral Nelson and was eventually promoted to the highest rank in the Royal Navy – Commander in Chief of the Fleet.

Thirty years later in Field Place, near Warnham, Percy Bysshe Shelley was born. Although largely unappreciated in his time except by other poets and writers, including Lord Byron and John Keats, he is now regarded as one of the finest lyric poets England has produced.